There are many important systems to understand when operating manure tank bars on your farm. One essential system on your manure handling equipment that must be upgraded regularly is the in-tank recirculation kit. This kit is essential because it helps keep your manure running smoothly and avoids clogs or any other concerns with your spread.
The recirculation kit helps to keep your liquid manure from congealing or solidifying while you spread it. It does this by keeping it actively circulate inside of your storage tank. The system it uses taps into the impeller pump. This pump will use a steady flow of air and other mechanical manipulation to keep your liquid manure active and in a liquid state.
The benefits of this kit are obvious. Without it, your manure would be more likely to end up too solid to spread. Even if it doesn’t completely solidify, it could get thick enough to impact the interior design of your spreader. The sludgy nature of solidifying manure would cause your spreader to struggle to function and could cause it to break down. As a result, it is important to pay attention to any problems that might be impacting it and its operation.
As you can see, the in-tank recirculation kit is an essential element of all manure tank bars. If yours is starting to fail, it is important to talk to manure handling equipment providers. These specialists can repair or upgrade your in-tank recirculation kit and keep it running. Just as importantly, they can replace any items that are simply not running any more.