More and more farmers are turning away from surface application when it comes to manure application methods. While the end goal has always to get the nutrients into the soil to help grow plants, far too many nutrients are lost during watering and rainstorms through runoff when farmers use the surface application method. A great […]
Read moreManure Spreading Techniques
There are many great ways that you can go about fertilizing your land to produce an abundant, healthy crop. Many farmers have their own preferred method, but few are as beneficial and efficient as manure injection. Equipment is now available on the market that helps inject manure into the soil, tilling the land as you go and […]
Read moreManure Injection Equipment: Selecting the Right One
There are so many different fertilization techniques and methods that farmers use on their farms. Many have been handed down throughout generations, such as manure spreading, and many are cutting edge and are up to date with current farming practices. Our manure injection equipment at VTI LLC has been created by farmers, for farmers, with reinforced material […]
Read moreWhy Manure Application Equipment Must Be Calibrated Regularly
Equipment like manure tool bars probably seem simply enough to understand on your farm. However, these items actually need regular calibration to ensure that they aren’t running improperly. Failure to calibrate your liquid manure tool bars could result in a lower yield for your crops and other problems that can severely impact how well your crops grow this year. What Is […]
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